Explore the Power of Cellular Activation
ARE YOU LIKE 99% OF THE POPULATION… Stressed out, sick, tired, and aging too fast – despite eating well, taking supplements and trying all the new fad solutions?
OR MAYBE YOU ARE IN THE 1% and just want to take your performance to the next level?
Either way, WE ARE HERE TO HELP!
Our products may look like a typical supplement but they work very differently. Our cellular activators use plant compounds to up-regulate health-promoting genes in your body and down-regulate genes connected to disease states. Our ancestors understood the power of plants when it came to health, healing, and longevity. Now science is validating their wisdom and making it easier for you to biohack your way to greater health through the power of cellular activation.
Try Protandim Nrf2 which is clinically proven to reduce OXIDATIVE STRESS by 40% in 30 days or other products guaranteed to help you age intelligently.
Oxidative Stress is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants which causes inflammation in your body and can ultimately lead to disease. You may be living a healthy lifestyle, but your body is facing more toxins in our air, water, and soil than ever before. Even athletes are not immune from Oxidative Stress as free radicals are produced in large quantities during intense exercise. Your natural ability to fight free radicals declines sharply with age making it more challenging to feel your best in an increasingly toxic world. Here are some things that create to Oxidative Stress.
EMF Radiation
Cell phones, tablets, laptops, WIFI, blue tower, 4G / 5G / LTE, Bluetooth, dirty electricity and more
Smoking + Alcohol
Secondhand smoke, vaping, and marijuana can also cause cellular damage
Causes a rise in particular hormones/adipokines that create low level cellular inflammation
Sedentary Lifestyle
A risk factor for cardiovascular disease by damaging vascular function
Poor Sleep
Contributes to Oxidative Stress and increased which leads to increased levels of inflammation which impacts sleep quality…a vicious cycle
Viral infections can cause a reduction in glutathione, emparing the ability to lower OS.
Psychological Stress
Triggers a cascade stress hormones and cytokines that break down cells and wreak havoc.
Poor Diet
GMO’s, gluten, food dyes, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, seed oils, sugar, and the junk you can’t pronounce on packages
Chemical Exposure
Studies point to over 80,000 chemicals in our environment including those in our water, soil, cleaning and personal care products, and clothing
“Nrf2 Activation may become the most extraordinary therapeutic and preventative breathkthrough in the history of medicine.”
~ Washington State University
We partner with a publicly traded company that is on the forefront of the nutrigenomic industry to offer a line of patented cellular activation products that have been clinically validated through independent studies from Duke University, Vanderbilt, University of Washington, Ohio State, Harvard, the American Heart Association and many others.
Explore the independent clinical studies published on PubMed.gov, the online library of medical research from the National Institutes of Health which show how our products reduce oxidative stress by 40% of 30 days, raise glutathione by 300%, and more.
*Oxidative stress is the root cause of hundreds of diseases and glutathione is a master antioxidant in your body.